
   We feature NewTek TriCaster Portable Live Production systems for all our switching, titling and graphics, DDRs, Audio, and everything else you would normally find in a fully equipped television 'live truck'.  There are six different systems to choose from in the TriCaster family.  you can choose from three camera or six camera systems, but I hate to make it sound limited to just three or six inputs.  With a feature using a software called iVGA, a producer can network any number of computers into the TriCaster to make it an unlimited number of inputs.
   We also are using all Canon cameras.  Currently we have the Canon XL 1s as well as Canon GL2.  These are the workhorse cameras that have served us well and continue to do so.  As we transition into HD, my felling is that Canon will be coming along with us.  They make good stuff.

copyright © 2009 Cuz I say so ㋛  a division of Mid-Valley Media, Inc.